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DIS invites existing parents to attend the Parent Information Night with a topic of DIS: Accreditation.


DIS invites existing parents to attend the Parent Information Night with a topic of DIS: Accreditation - What is it all about? How do you know DIS will be successful? - being held on next Monday 20th, November 2023. 

**Before the event begins, the Admissions team will provide instructions on how to log in to the FACTS system through the Student/Parent portal which will require each parent’s presence to personally create username and password. 

FACTS SIS system will allow parents to be able to see student’s schedule, school calendar, documents including handbook, leave forms and other school policies, and most importantly the student’s report card for each quarter. 

We encourage you all to attend this event. 

Thank you! 

End Date : 20 / November / 2023


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